Increasing your resilience

Progress Consulting Public

Training designed for

  • Any who are interested.
  • Operational personnel, including team leaders and managers.
Progress Consulting Clock


  • 1 day

Coping with adversity and adapting to change.


The ever-changing world that we live in today can create a mental overload for many of us. This can lead to physical and/or psychological health problems and at the same time individual and collective productivity can be hindered. By making employees aware of the mechanisms of coping with stress, everyone can take appropriate, stimulating and sustainable measures through resilience. This training shares the keys to resilience to better cope with change.

Training objectives


Explain the concept of resilience,

i.e., the ability to “move beyond” a painful experience and rebuild yourself.



Identify situations

in which each of us has already applied resiliency skills.



Suggest concrete ways

to develop our own resilience skills.


Teaching approach

Mix of personal work, personal questionnaires and resilience cases from civil society and the business world.

Training content

  • The PERMA tool of Prof. Martin Seligman.
  • Coping and defense mechanisms in the face of stress.
  • Welcoming what is going on inside us by putting our own emotions into words.
  • Cultivating positive emotions.
  • Identifying the character/life strengths within us that have gotten us through difficult situations.
  • Peterson and Seligman’s 24 “character strengths”.
  • Csíkszentmihályi’s notion of commitment through flow.
  • Practicing benevolent communication.
  • Developing your network of relationships: mapping.
  • Action plan: the smallest steps possible.

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