Problem solving

Progress Consulting Public

Training designed for

  • Anyone interested.
  • Operational personnel, including team leaders and managers.
Progress Consulting Clock


  • 1 day

Tools to find and implement solutions.

Problems are not seen negatively but rather as opportunities to improve performance. There are techniques and methods specific to problem-solving. Acquiring a method of solving a problem in a company (explaining, analyzing, solving and implementing) and mastering the use of associated tools are two of the key objectives of this training.

Training objectives


Help you, through different techniques, to systematize problem-solving and decision- making.


Learn how to identify the right problems to solve.


Understand the importance of the steps of a problem-solving methodology.


Understand the attitudes expected of a manager in problem-solving.

Teaching approach

  • Anyone interested.
  • Operational personnel, including team leaders and managers

Training content

  • Attitudes towards a problem.
  • Framing the problem.
  • Cognitive biases to avoid.
  • The different types of data to look for.
  • Analyzing the causes with the Ishikawa tool.
  • Looking for solutions.
  • Evaluating solutions.
  • Planning, monitoring, adjusting and reacting.
  • Solution sorting tools: COCD matrix, SWOT analysis, etc.
  • Methods of group decision-making.
  • Implementing: the Deming cycle.

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